About Us

Founded in 2005, Running Mania is an online community of runners from across Canada with the purpose of encouraging and supporting runners of all ages and abilities. We welcome beginners, elites, and everyone in between to join us in sharing our knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience with each other. We also have a very enthusiastic group of multi-sporters in our midst, so you can connect with others involved in duathlons, triathlons, and the like.


From its inception, RunningMania has been a tightly-knit community of supportive, passionate people, who have contributed to our reputation as the best running forum out there! The entire endeavour has been volunteer-based from the beginning, with various people committing time and energy to moderating, helping with gear orders, answering questions, and spreading excitement. RM would not be what it is today without that core group of people. Thank you all!