Top of foot pain

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Top of foot pain

Postby MarkoBC » Thu Dec 13, 2018 9:51 pm

a few weeks back I went for a short run. I probably shouldn't have, since my left foot was already a bit sore and tired from Christmas shopping. The next day my left foot was so tight and sore I could barely walk on it. Unfortunately, the pain hasn't gone away. The pain is situated mostly in a spot on the top of my left foot where it meets the joint at my leg. But there is also a band of tightness that wraps around from the top, over the outer ankle and under my foot. The pain is a dull/tight ache that is there all the time. Its difficult to raise my left foot with my toes. It feels sore at the joint and like something pressing against the top of the foot. My left calf and outer shin is also tight. There is no visible swelling, no redness, no tenderness and no sharp pain.
The injury is no doubt exacerbated by the fact that I have flat feet and some nerve damage to my lower left side which left me with a bit of drop foot. The first thing I thought was that I've stressed the extensor tendon. Both the flat feet and drop foot would make this likely. The only things is, the articles I've read about extensor tendon injuries always talk about pain in the middle top of the foot. Mine is farther back where the top of the foot meets the leg.
I've had similar pain in the past, but it always went away after a couple of days rest. This has been almost three weeks and every morning my foot feels just as tight as the day before.
Any one else have this kind of pain. Any treatment recommendations?
Btw, I did go see a doctor a few days ago. She had me stand on my toes and go up on my heel and had me move my foot with resistance. No sharp pain, just the dull ache. She diagnosed me with a soft tissue injury and recommended rest and said that imaging wasn't necessary. I think I'll give it another week and then demand some imaging.

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